I have been away a while. Traveling and struggling with some GI invaders... aka PEPE... I have can back with an inspiration that I call the green smoothie. Postpunkkers have inspired me as breakfast is always a struggle. I go to the gym every morning and don't like to eat before-- or after as a matter of fact. But I do love my fruit. Gillian McKeith's You are What you Eat says to eat fruit alone first thing in the morning and not in combo with protein. SO I have been doing that with lots of berries. I do have my afternoon fruits though- without protein. See the last blueberry blog for the latest research. I now have discovered green smoothies. Tons of fresh fruit in the blender with a mix of fresh baby spinach. It is a true morning awakener. i have never felt so alive- I'm not sure whether it is the jolt of sugar or the chlorophyll kick but i feel good. I have been having it after my morning workout, but by thursday I need a morning kick so i had most of it before the gym with great results.
The combos are endless
Monday- pineapple, mango,honeydew, strawberry,orange, banana, spinach
Tuesday- pineapple, mango, strawberry,honeydew, banana, spinach
Wednesday- Pineapple, mango, honeydew, banana, spinach
Thursday- Pineapple, banana, strawberry, spinach
Friday will be strawberry, pineapple, mango, blackberry, spinach
Go to www.gillianmckeith.info for more recipes and information on smothies. in the club ( www.gillianmckeithclub.com i think) I have weekly meal plans and everything!
Green Smoothies have been pretty much life changing for a lot of people. I love them!!!!
Cheers to VEGAN food (especially green smoothies),
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